This page has come into existence because we desire to present views from a wide range of ideas, not just our own. No matter how great our personal life is because of positive co-creation, others have gone down the dark road and we have to acknowledge it is there. Even negative views should be studied so you can make your own evaluation and make a good decision based on all the evidence. Disclaimer: Inclusion on this page in no way constitutes agreement with the contents of said site, nor does it indicate the truthfulness of any information included in said site. Conspiracies are the opinions of individuals. Regard them with an open mind but do not believe blindly and demand proof before belief as truth. We use different standards in judging what is true! For example: In our judicial system, one eyewitness can convince a jury to send an accused person to their death. Yet thousands of witnesses in a paranormal event such a UFO sighting is completely unacceptable to science as proof of their existence. |
Assassinations and Attempts in U.S. Since 1865 Lincoln, Abraham (President of U.S.): Shot April 14, 1865, in Washington, D.C., by John Wilkes Booth; died April 15. Seward, William H. (Secretary of State): Escaped assassination (though injured) April 14, 1865, in Washington, D.C., by Lewis Powell (or Paine), accomplice of John Wilkes Booth. Garfield, James A. (President of U.S.): Shot July 2, 1881, in Washington, D.C., by Charles J. Guiteau; died Sept. 19. McKinley, William (President of U.S.): Shot Sept. 6, 1901, in Buffalo by Leon Czolgosz; died Sept. 14. Roosevelt, Theodore (ex-President of U.S.): Escaped assassination (though shot) Oct. 14, 1912, in Milwaukee while campaigning for President. Cermak, Anton J. (Mayor of Chicago): Shot Feb. 15, 1933, in Miami by Giuseppe Zangara, who attempted to assassinate Franklin D. Roosevelt; Cermak died March 6. Roosevelt, Franklin D. (President-elect of U.S.): Escaped assassination unhurt Feb. 15, 1933, in Miami. Long, Huey P. (U.S. Senator from Louisiana): Shot Sept. 8, 1935, in Baton Rouge by Dr. Carl A. Weiss; died Sept. 10. Truman, Harry S. (President of U.S.): Escaped assassination unhurt Nov. 1, 1950, in Washington, D.C., as 2 Puerto Rican nationalists attempted to shoot their way into Blair House. Kennedy, John F. (President of U.S.): Shot Nov. 22, 1963, in Dallas, Tex., allegedly by Lee Harvey Oswald; died same day. Injured was Gov. John B. Connally of Texas. Oswald was shot and killed two days later by Jack Ruby. King, Martin Luther, Jr. (civil rights leader): Shot April 4, 1968, in Memphis by James Earl Ray; died same day. Malcolm X, also known as El-Hajj Malik El-Shabazz (black activist): Shot and killed in a New York City auditorium; his killer(s) were never positively identified. Kennedy, Robert F. (U.S. Senator from New York): Shot June 5, 1968, in Los Angeles by Sirhan Bishara Sirhan; died June 6. Wallace, George C. (Governor of Alabama): Shot and critically wounded in assassination attempt May 15, 1972, at Laurel, Md., by Arthur Herman Bremer. Wallace paralyzed from waist down. Ford, Gerald R. (President of U.S.): Escaped assassination attempt Sept. 5, 1975, in Sacramento, Calif., by Lynette Alice (Squeaky) Fromme, who pointed but did not fire .45-caliber pistol. Escaped assassination attempt in San Francisco, Calif., Sept. 22, 1975, by Sara Jane Moore, who fired one shot from a .38-caliber pistol that was deflected. Jordan, Vernon E., Jr. (civil rights leader): Shot and critically wounded in assassination attempt May 29, 1980, in Fort Wayne, Ind. Reagan, Ronald (President of U.S.): Shot in left lung in Washington by John W. Hinckley, Jr., on March 30, 1981; three others also wounded. Some others have been deamed suicides and should be questioned !!!! Others have been called accidents and should be questioned !!!!
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Kennedy Assassination Home Page SIGHTINGS: JFK Jr Air Crash DataPage LEAKED FBI PAPER? SIGHTINGS: What
happened to America's Golden Boy? Pt 1 OTHER ASSASSINATIONS World War I, The Assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand ... Photographs - Assassination Attempts Against Gerald R. Ford Recommended Books on the
Lincoln Assassination
Pope Paul VI
Pope Paul
Seen In Trouble - Prayers Asked
In the photographs taken of Pope Paul VI, one might think that the differences are just because of aging, but that is not the case. The later photos show a Pope with a more hooked nose, of a different shape, more rounded, from the earlier Pope. The ear shapes are completely different, including the size of the lobes. The jaw of the earlier Pope is much more prominent than the later Pope. The later Pope is thought to be an Italian Actor, who had plastic
surgery to make him look like the Pope, supposedly arranged by Cardinals
Villot, Benelli and Casaroli. These three men made sure that few people
got close to the new Pope, who was being kept hostage, drugged and
bound to his chair. One of the duties of the imposter Pope was to present new encyclicals which put the Catholic Church in bad standing. The real Pope endured as a hostage until he finally died in 1978. Meanwhile the false Pope installed Benelli to a Cardinal in 1977 so he would have a chance at becoming Pope himself. He aligned himself with communist and Masonic forces to become a likely candidate to antipope. Once it became clear that Benelli would not become Pope, he arranged it so Albino Luciani would be elected Pope John Paul I. As you will see below, Pope John Paul I was murdered with 1 month of his election to Pope. Luciani was naive to politics and was vocal with announcing his intention to continue the reforms of his predecessors. He was in good health. Everyone was shocked when he died of an apparent heart attack 34 days later. What was more unusual, 4 other people died of apparent heart attacks within that same 4 weeks of his papacy. Benelli fell short of the 75 votes needed to be elected the new Pope and after Cardinal Giovanni Benellis candidacy stalled, the electors decided they would look outside Italy, and K๖nig suggested a man from behind the Iron Curtain. and unexpectedly Carlinda Karol Wojtyla of Poland was elected. What was strange was that Villot, Benelli, and Casaroli were selected by the new Pope to run important departments within the Vatican. Since they worked so closely with the new Pope, the communists felt assured they had a victory even though Benelli didn't become Pope. In 1981 when Pope Paul II was gunned down in the streets, the communists were even more sure they were victorious, but miraculously, the Pope overcame his dire injuries. There were several other attempts on his life, but he escaped with his life intact. Much time has passed since then. Villot died in a car accident on
March 9, 1979. Casaroli died on June 10, 1998. According to Kathleen
Keating in her book, "The Final Warning", Benelli is still alive but quite
old now, however, reputable websites say that Cardinal Benelli died in
1982. (Cardinalate. Created cardinal priest, June 27, 1977; received red
biretta and title of S. Prisca, June 27, 1977. Attended IV Ordinary
Assembly of World Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 30-October 29,
1977. Participated in conclave of August 25-26, 1978. Participated in
conclave of October 14-16, 1978. Attended I Plenary Assembly of Sacred
College of Cardinals, Vatican City, November 5-9, 1979; V Ordinary
Assembly of World Synod of Bishops, Vatican City, September 26-October 25,
1980. Death. October 26, 1982, Florence. Buried, metropolitan cathedral
basilica S. Maria del Fiore, Florence. .
It is critical to remember that this will be the first conclave of the third millennium. That fact alone will impose tremendous psychological pressure on the electors to be forward looking, choosing a man who embodies the church of the future. That means the developing world, where seventy percent of Catholics today live - and the only place where the church is experiencing significant growth. This could mean an African such as Nigerian Cardinal Francis Arinze, but for men accustomed to thinking in centuries, the African church (below the Sahara) probably seems far too new, too fluid to be ready for the papacy. There arent enough Catholics in Asia for that region to make sense. Thus if the cardinals want a Third World pope, it seems more likely they will turn to a Latin American. The Cardinals and the Conclaves to Elect the New Pope
The Murder of Pope John Paul 1 ........At 4.30 a.m. on the morning of Fri September 29th , 1978 Sister Vincenza carried a flask of coffee to the study..... At 4.45 am she returned. The tray of coffee in the study was untouched.....she moved to the bedroom door and listened. There was no sound. She knocked on the door, timidly at first, then with greater force. Still there was silence. There was a light shining from under the door of the bedroom. She knocked again on the bedroom door. Still there was no answer. Opening the door she saw Albino Luciani sitting up in bed. He was wearing his glasses and gripped in his hands were some sheets of paper. His head was turned to the right and the lips were parted showing his teeth. It was not the smiling face that had so impressed the millions but an expression of agony. She felt his pulse.. Recently she recounted that moment: "It was a miracle that I survived. I have a bad heart. I pushed the bell to summon the secretaries, then I went out to find the other sisters and to awaken Don Diego." .....after a mere 33 days as Pope, Albino Luciani had died alone... Less than twelve hours earlier Albino Luciani had told Villot of his impending replacement by Benelli. Now, far from being a former Secretary of State the Pope's death..... ensured he would remain in office...... Beside the Pope's bed on a small table was the medicine that Luciani had been taking for low blood pressure. Villot pocketed the medicine and removed the notes on the Papal transfers and appointments from the dead Pope's hands. They followed the medicine into Villot's pocket. From his study desk his last Will was removed. Also to vanish from the bedroom were the Pope's glasses and slippers. None of these items has ever been seen again..... All the hopes, dreams, aspirations were shattered. The plans Luciani had made, the changes, the new direction, all had come to nothing..... Cardinal Benelli.. With tears still running down his face... said: "The church has lost the right man for the right moment. We are very distressed. We are left frightened....." [David Yallop In God's Name Johnathan Cape London 1984] The Murder of
Pope Paul I - by David Yallop ~~~~~~ The Jewish Post of New York
- Rabin News Assassination of environmental activists Ronald Reagan and the Bushy Knoll MOB POLITICS: Three Decades of Political Racketeering
Vince Foster FBI
Cover-up CIA in 1950's Drew
Up List of Guatemalan Leaders to Be Assassinated...
HAARPHAARP Unofficial Page. Haarp
Main Page The High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) HAARP - High Frequency vandalism in the sky. Its super powerful radio-wave beam may irreparably damage the planets atmosphere and severely distrupt our mental and physical health. By Dr Nick Begich and Jeane Manning. VAN IMPE - INTELLIGENCE BRIEFING Secret Government Research, H.A.A.R.P. HAARP PROJECT - Interview with Nick Begich HAARP: The Military's Pandora's Box Project HAARP: The Pentagon's provocative plan to superheat the earth's ionosphere |
Books and
Tapes by RIE Why do some people oppose Scientology? What is the Guardian's Office and does it still exist? Does Scientology engage in brainwashing or mind control? Is Scientology like hypnotism, meditation, psychotherapy or other mental therapies? For research purposes, here is a list of mind control
projects Chapter - In 1947, the Navy conducted the first known post-war mind control program, Project CHAPTER, which continued the drug experiments. Decades later, journalists and investigators still haven't uncovered much information about this project - or, indeed, about any of the military's other excursions into this field. We know that the Army eventually founded operations THIRD CHANCE and DERBY HAT; other project names remain mysterious, though the existence of these programs is unquestionable. Chatter - 1951 Project CHATTER, a highly classified Navy program to search for a truth drug, began. They were looking for a way to make someone talk "fast" in the event of a security emergency. These experiments used barbiturates, amphetamines, and heroin. The drugs were supplied by the Bureau of Narcotics and pharmaceutical companies. Some of the experimental subjects included the scientists themselves, and mostly students. 1953 Project CHATTER was abandoned by the Navy. Bluebird - 1950 Project BLUEBIRD was approved by the first CIA Director, Roscoe Hillenkoetter. He also approved the use of unvouchered funds to pay for its sensitive areas. This began the CIA's first structured behavioral control program. Their goals consisted of "controlling an individual to the point where he will do our bidding against his will and even against such fundamental laws of nature as self-preservation." Some of their experimental subjects included North Korean prisoners of war and suspected double agents. The newly-formed CIA plunged into this cesspool in 1950, with Project BLUEBIRD, rechristened ARTICHOKE in 1951. To establish a "cover story" for this research, the CIA funded a propaganda effort designed to convince the world that the Communist Bloc had devised insidious new methods of re-shaping the human will; the CIA's own efforts could therefore, if exposed, be explained as an attempt to "catch up" with Soviet and Chinese work. The primary promoter of this "line" was one Edward Hunter, a CIA contract employee operating undercover as a journalist, and, later, a prominent member of the John Birch society. (Hunter was an OSS veteran of the China theatre - the same spawning grounds which produced Richard Helms, Howard Hunt, Mitch WerBell, Fred Chrisman, Paul Helliwell and a host of other noteworthies who came to dominate that strange land where the worlds of intelligence and right-wing extremism meet. Hunter offered "brainwashing" as the explanation for the numerous confessions signed by American prisoners of war during the Korean War and (generally) UN-recanted upon the prisoners' repatriation. These confessions alleged that the United States used germ warfare in the Korean conflict, a claim which the American public of the time found impossible to accept. Many years later, however, investigative reporters discovered that Japan's germ warfare specialists (who had wreaked incalculable terror on the conquered Chinese during WWII) had been mustered into the American national security apparat - and that the knowledge gleaned from Japan's horrifying germ warfare experiments probably WAS used in Korea, just as the "brainwashed" soldiers had indicated. Thus, we now know that the entire brainwashing scare of the 1950s constituted a CIA hoax perpetrated upon the American public: CIA deputy director Richard Helms admitted as much when, in 1963, he told the Warren Commission that Soviet mind control research consistently lagged years behind American efforts Artichoke 1951 Project BLUEBIRD was renamed Project ARTICHOKE. The CIA director approved a liaison with the Army and Navy who were interested in finding a truth drug. Another liaison was formed with the Air Force who wanted to study interrogation techniques. Information was also exchanged with the Canadian and British governments. Some of Project ARTICHOKE's experimental subjects included: suspected agents, suspected double agents, people who "had a known reason for deception," American college students (supposedly for more benign testing), and foreigners (since the CIA was more likely to try certain procedures out on them rather than American citizens.) "Terminal," or "to the death" experiments were usually carried out in other countries. According to Bowart, the control method used on two agents involved drugs and hypnosis (narco-hypnosis). The subjects were hypnotically regressed and made to relive past experiences. Posthypnotic suggestions were given to induce total amnesia of their interrogations. The CIA called this experiment "very successful." Castigate - 1952 Project CASTIGATE began when the Navy and the CIA teamed up to test a "secret potion" that consisted of a depressant, a stimulant, and the active ingredient in marijuana. The drugs were to be administered over a three-day period. The experiment was carried out in Germany at a secret CIA base on a military installation. Experimental subjects included one known double agent, one suspected double agent and three defectors. Project CASTIGATE was considered a failure. MKNAOMI - 1952 MKNAOMI (Pronounced M-K NAOMI with M-K standing for mind control.) TSS's agreement with the Special Operations Division of the Army's biological research center at Fort Detrick, Maryland. SOD's job was to produce germ weapons for the CIA's use. MKULTRA - 1953 MKULTRA, a CIA program for the covert use of biological and chemical weapons began. Bowart states, "According to CIA documents, MKULTRA was 'an umbrella project for funding sensitive projects' and covered 'policy and procedures for the use of biochemicals in clandestine operations...' " "MKULTRA was exempted from normal CIA financial controls and allowed TSS to begin research projects without contracts or written agreements." TSS stands for Technical Services Staff and was an agency referred to as "the Gadget Wizards," similar to what "Q" is to James Bond. As usual, MKDELTA and MKNAOMI had already been set up prior to the CIA being given official permission for MKULTRA. MKDELTA became the operational side of MKULTRA. MKULTRA focused on drugs, specifically LSD since the CIA had a phobia about LSD ending up in the hands of the Russians. The CIA wanted to use LSD as a weapon. The Russians and the Cold War were used as a national security excuse for most of the CIA's actions. The CIA studied hundreds of other drugs besides LSD, as well as experimenting with: "radiation, electroshock, psychology, sociology, anthropology, psychiatry, harassment substances and paramilitary devices and materials." It appears that the scientists enjoyed trying these drugs on themselves, but they also used many hospital patients, volunteers (mostly students), inmates who were usually paid for their participation with more drugs, and eventually anyone the CIA could get, without their consent, of course. The CIA "scientists" even reduced themselves to misting and spraying unwitting American citizens as they walked down busy city streets. Later they would study how they could manipulate genes, and develop compounds that could simulate heart attack and stroke. MK-Ultra: The CIA
and Radiation MKDELTA - See above
MKSEARCH continued into the early 1970's, and more experiments were performed under ORD, the Office of Research and Development. Some of these experiments consisted of implanting electrodes into the brains of cats, dogs, and reptiles and controlling the animals remotely. Animal experiments were always (and still are) performed first and heinously, but we don't hear much about these atrocities. According to Bowart, the following agencies were involved in behavior modification and behavioral research projects: the Defense Department, the Department of Labor, the National Science Foundation, the Veteran's Administration, the Department of Health, Education and Welfare, the National Institute of Mental Health, the Law Enforcement Assistance Administration (under the Department of Justice). "All of the above agencies were named in secret CIA documents as those who provided research 'cover' for MKULTRA." Often/ Chickwit -1967 Or 1968, Project OFTEN/CHICKWIT was initiated by the Army Chemical Corps and the CIA's Office of Research and Development to create new drug compounds "that could be used offensively." Hallucinogens were tested on inmates in Pennsylvania, but very little is known about the experiments. "CIA documents mention 'several laboratory accidents' in which a drug designated as EA-3167 produced 'prolonged psychotic effects in laboratory personnel' " U.S. Army dispenses Bacillus subtilis variant niger throughout the New York City subway system. More than a million civilians are exposed when army scientists drop lightbulbs filled with the bacteria onto ventilation grates. It would appear that the CIA's drug testing continued throughout the 1970s since, "A CIA memo dated March 8, 1971, indicates that a backlog of more than twenty-six thousand drugs had been acquired 'for future screening' Third Chance -In I991 operations Bug, Third Chance, Derby Hat and MKUltra under which various aspects of mind control were performed from BB size ear, eye nose and brain implants had been studied for two decades. And they were placed in the hands of South American dictators and others in operations against high echelon captured drug dealers and other prisoners. Derby Hat - 1960 - The Army Assistant Chief-of-Staff for Intelligence (ACSI) authorizes field testing of LSD in Europe and the Far East. Testing of the european population is code named Project THIRD CHANCE; testing of the Asian population is code named Project DERBY HAT. Project MONARCH - Mind control is absolute. Under MK-Ultra Project Monarch trauma-based mind control, ... a subsection of the CIA's Operation Artichoke which is also known as Project MK Ultra ... [involving] the sophisticated manipulation of the child's mind to protect itself from extreme trauma by creating Multiple Personality Disorder. Operation Monarch
by Mark Phillips Mind Control - Mark
Phillips & Cathy O'Brien In this period, the American intelligence services competed with communist activists abroad to influence European labor unions. With or without the cooperation of local governments, Frank Wisner, an undercover State Department official assigned to the Foreign Service, rounded up students abroad to enter the cold war underground of covert operations on behalf of his Office of Policy Coordination. Philip Graham, __a graduate of the Army Intelligence School in Harrisburg, PA, then publisher of the Washington Post., was taken under Wisner's wing to direct the program code-named Operation MOCKINGBIRD Operation MOCKINGBIRD The CIA begins recruiting American news organizations and journalists to become spies and disseminators of propaganda. The effort is headed by Frank Wisner, Allan Dulles, Richard Helms and Philip Graham. Graham is publisher of The Washington Post, which becomes a major CIA player. Eventually, the CIAs media assets will include ABC, NBC, CBS, Time, Newsweek, Associated Press, United Press International, Reuters, Hearst Newspapers, Scripps-Howard, Copley News Service and more. By the CIAs own admission, at least 25 organizations and 400 journalists will become CIA assets. "Whispers" is a collection of case histories of paranoia that Siegel had studied. One of these cases is a man named Tolman who believes that his mind is being controlled by computers via a satellite system named POSSE (Personal Orbiting Satellite for Surveillance and Enforcement). Siegel implies that claims like this are similar to the James Tilly Matthews case. And indeed they are, but it is clear that Siegel is trying to dismiss Tolman's claims by implying that similar reports existed two centuries before this technology could have existed. |
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